Advice CEOP Parents

Keeping your under 5 safe online

Up-to-date advice is available from CEOP about looking after your Under 5s at

According to Ofcom’s “Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes Report” from April 2024 84% of 3-4 year olds ‘go online’ and 27% of them also have their own mobile phone so any advice for families should be most welcome!

It’s never too early to start talking to your children about how to keep safe online and how to encourage them to talk to you about their online experiences. Read more at

Advice eSafety Online Safety Parents Resources UK Safer Internet Centre

My child is gaming with strangers – what should I do?

The UK Safer Internet Centre Education Team deliver education and information sessions directly with children and young people aged 3-18 years old, as well as parents, carers, teachers and professionals.

In this series they will answer some of the questions they get most frequently asked by parents and carers about helping their children navigate the internet.

Childnet Education Officer Georgia offers advice about gaming and chat within games… Find out more here!

Advice CEOP eSafety Parents

Summer Help

Coming this summer on social media… #SaferSummerTogether!

6 weeks of tips and activities from CEOP Education and partners helping parents and carers to keep their children safer online this summer and beyond.
Follow CEOP Education on Facebook (CEOP Education) and X/Twitter (@CEOPEducation) for more on how to get involved. 
Advice Events Online Safety Parents Resources Tips Tools

Safer Internet Day 2021

Safer Internet Day 2021 is on Tuesday 9th February 2021 – 2nd day, 2nd week, second month!

You can download resources as a parent from HERE

You can download recources as a teacher from HERE

Advice eSafety Google for Education Online Safety Parents Resources

Google – The Legends Family Adventure…

Parent Zone and Google have joined forces to bring a new short animated series of three cartoons to the Be Internet Legends website to help families think about keeping themselves safe online.

Sit down as a family to watch the Legends family tackle everyday online situations and become stronger as a result. There are family friendly activities to download and print related to each of the three cartoon episodes. Learn about online scams, sharing information, secure passwords and phishing to name just a few things covered in this brief cartoon series.

Take a look now at

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Keeping children safe in education 2020

The Department for Education (England) have released their new update to Keeping children safe in education. This revision for 2020 has some changes but few related to Online Safety.

Annex C relates specifically to Online Safety and has the following content:

The use of technology has become a significant component of many safeguarding issues. Child sexual exploitation; radicalisation; sexual predation: technology often provides the platform that facilitates harm. An effective approach to online safety empowers a school or college to protect and educate the whole school or college community in their use of technology and establishes mechanisms to identify, intervene in, and escalate any incident where appropriate.
The breadth of issues classified within online safety is considerable, but can be categorised into three areas of risk:

content: being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material; for example pornography, fake news, racist or radical and extremist views;
contact: being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users; for example commercial advertising as well as adults posing as children or young adults; and
conduct: personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm; for example making, sending and receiving explicit images, or online bullying.

There are also a series of links to resources to support Education around Online Safety these include:

Be Internet Legends developed by Parent Zone and Google is a free internet safety curriculum with PSHE accredited lesson plans and teaching resources for Key Stage 2 pupils
Disrespectnobody is Home Office advice and includes resources on healthy relationships, including sexting and pornography
Education for a connected world framework from the UK Council for Internet Safety supports the development of the curriculum and is of particular relevance to RSHE education and Computing. It is designed, however, to be usable across the curriculum and beyond (covering early years through to age 18) and to be central
to a whole school or college approach to safeguarding and online safety.
PSHE association provides guidance to schools on developing their PSHE curriculum
Teaching online safety in school is departmental guidance outlining how schools can ensure their pupils understand how to stay safe and behave online as part of existing curriculum requirements
Thinkuknow is the National Crime Agency/CEOPs education programme with age specific resources
UK Safer Internet Centre developed guidance and resources that can help with the teaching of the online safety component of the Computing Curriculum.

Annex C goes repeats the advice from the 2019 version of the guidance talking about appropriate filtering and schools reviewing their online safety provision using the 360 Safe tool.

Education at home
Where children are being asked to learn online at home the department has provided advice to support schools and colleges do so safely: safeguarding-in-schools-collegesand-other-providers and safeguarding-and-remote-education

Staff training
Governors and proprietors should ensure that, as part of the requirement for staff to undergo regularly updated safeguarding training (paragraph 84) and the requirement to ensure children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety (paragraph 87), that online safety training for staff is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach.

Annex C concludes with a list of online resources for teachers and pupils:

Information and support
There is a wealth of information available to support schools, colleges and parents/carers to keep children safe online. The following list is not exhaustive but should provide a useful starting point:

Advice for governing bodies/proprietors and senior leaders
Childnet provide guidance for schools on cyberbullying

Educateagainsthate provides practical advice and support on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation
London Grid for Learning provides advice on all aspects of a school or college’s online safety arrangements
NSPCC provides advice on all aspects of a school or college’s online safety

Safer recruitment consortium “guidance for safe working practice”, which may help ensure staff behaviour policies are robust and effective
Searching screening and confiscation is departmental advice for schools on searching children and confiscating items such as mobile phones
South West Grid for Learning provides advice on all aspects of a school or college’s online safety arrangements
Use of social media for online radicalisation – A briefing note for schools on how social media is used to encourage travel to Syria and Iraq
UK Council for Internet Safety have provided advice on sexting-in-schools-andcolleges and using-external-visitors-to-support-online-safety-education

Remote education, virtual lessons and live streaming
Case studies on remote education practice are available for schools to learn from each other
Departmental guidance on safeguarding and remote education including planning remote education strategies and teaching remotely
London Grid for Learning guidance, including platform specific advice
National cyber security centre guidance on choosing, configuring and deploying video conferencing
National cyber security centre guidance on how to set up and use video

UK Safer Internet Centre guidance on safe remote learning

Support for children
Childline for free and confidential advice
UK Safer Internet Centre to report and remove harmful online content
CEOP for advice on making a report about online abuse

Parental support
Childnet offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support
Commonsensemedia provide independent reviews, age ratings, & other
information about all types of media for children and their parents
Government advice about protecting children from specific online harms such as child sexual abuse, sexting, and cyberbullying
Government advice about security and privacy settings, blocking unsuitable
content, and parental controls
Internet Matters provide age-specific online safety checklists, guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, and a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world
Let’s Talk About It provides advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation
London Grid for Learning provides support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online, including tips to keep primary aged children safe online
Lucy Faithfull Foundation StopItNow resource can be used by parents and carers who are concerned about someone’s behaviour, including children who may be displaying concerning sexual behaviour (not just about online)
National Crime Agency/CEOP Thinkuknow provides support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
Net-aware provides support for parents and carers from the NSPCC and O2, including a guide to social networks, apps and games
Parentzone provides help for parents and carers on how to keep their children safe online
Parent info from Parentzone and the National Crime Agency provides support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations
UK Safer Internet Centre provide tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online

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Parental Home Activity Packs from CEOP

CEOP have published some home activity packs to help parents talk about and engage with their children around Online Safety.

#OnlineSafetyAtHome has been created by the NCA-CEOP Thinkuknow Education Team to support parents and carers during COVID-19 and the closure of schools.

“Each fortnight, we release new home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities parents and carers can do with their child to support their online safety at home.”

You can find our more and download the PDF packs at

Advice Online Safety Parents

What you should know about Roblox…

The London Grid for Learning (LGfL) has published a video designed for parents to help educate parents about the issues their children might come across in Roblox. The video is just under 13 minutes long.

Find out more for yourself on the LGfL site

Advice News Online Safety Parents School Safety Uncategorized

Safer Internet Day 2020


It’s just two months until Safer Internet Day 2020, which will be celebrated on Tuesday 11th February 2020 with a global theme of: ‘Together for a better internet’.

Watch the video below to see what the focus is about this year:

From the safer internet team:

Are you free to be yourself online?
The theme for Safer Internet Day 2020 is…
identity online!

Are people free to be who they are online?
How can avatars help us stay safe online?
Do you think that everyone is fairly represented online?

They’re big questions – and they’re the ones we want to answer on Safer Internet Day 2020.

Focusing on identity online involves considering the information we share online, how others perceive and interact with us, and how online services identify us. It also includes thinking about how offline stereotypes and discrimination are challenged or reinforced online.

We want to inspire young people to support each other to be who they want to be, to celebrate difference, and create a truly inclusive internet.

Find out more for yourself from

Advice Parents

Children’s data

Do you know about all of the data that’s share about your children?  Take a look at this report from the Children’s Commissioner and start thinking about how and where your child’s data is leaking!