Parents Safer Internet Day Tips UK Safer Internet Centre

It’s Safer Internet Day

It’s the Second day of the Second Week of the Second Month so it must be Safer Internet Day*

One of the focuses of Safer Internet Day 2025 is the new report about how online scams affect young people which was published by the UK Safer Internet Centre. You can find out more and read the executive summary or full report HERE!

Parent Zone also have some support materials for parents which is available HERE.

* apart from when that falls during the half-term break as in 2024!

CEOP Resources

Think U Know is now CEOP Education

CEOP who are the Child Exploitation Online Protection team of The National Crime Agency have been the organisation behind the website for many years. A couple of years ago they made the decision to streamline their operations and so have moved the content from thinkuknow over to

You can still access all of the great content and advice they had at thinkuknow, just in a new home!

If you are a teacher you should sign up for a new account at by clicking on the Professionals link.

Advice CEOP Parents

Keeping your under 5 safe online

Up-to-date advice is available from CEOP about looking after your Under 5s at

According to Ofcom’s “Children and Parents: Media Use and Attitudes Report” from April 2024 84% of 3-4 year olds ‘go online’ and 27% of them also have their own mobile phone so any advice for families should be most welcome!

It’s never too early to start talking to your children about how to keep safe online and how to encourage them to talk to you about their online experiences. Read more at

Advice eSafety Online Safety Parents Resources UK Safer Internet Centre

My child is gaming with strangers – what should I do?

The UK Safer Internet Centre Education Team deliver education and information sessions directly with children and young people aged 3-18 years old, as well as parents, carers, teachers and professionals.

In this series they will answer some of the questions they get most frequently asked by parents and carers about helping their children navigate the internet.

Childnet Education Officer Georgia offers advice about gaming and chat within games… Find out more here!

Online Safety Reporting Safer Internet Day UK Safer Internet Centre

Safer Internet Day 2024 Stats

Safer Internet Day 2024 reached more young people than ever before, with 53% of UK children aged 8-17 hearing about the day, alongside 32% of UK parents and carers according to the UK Safer Internet Centre

Their impact report looks at the reach of Safer Internet Day 2024 and the positive impact that it had on children, young people, parents, carers, and teachers.

The theme of Safer Internet Day 2024 was: Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online. It was so inspiring to see schools and organsiations embrace this theme of change, as can be seen through some of the key statistics of the day:

Advice CEOP eSafety Parents

Summer Help

Coming this summer on social media… #SaferSummerTogether!

6 weeks of tips and activities from CEOP Education and partners helping parents and carers to keep their children safer online this summer and beyond.
Follow CEOP Education on Facebook (CEOP Education) and X/Twitter (@CEOPEducation) for more on how to get involved. 
Online Safety Resources Safer Internet Day

Get Ready for Safer Internet Day 2024

Safer Internet Day links

Find out more here

For Parents please visit


Get ready for Safer Internet Day 2023

Safer Internet Day 2023

Coming up on t7th February 2023 the next Safer Internet Day. You can find out more about the focus and how to join in nearer the time by visiting

Advice Events Online Safety Parents Resources Tips Tools

Safer Internet Day 2021

Safer Internet Day 2021 is on Tuesday 9th February 2021 – 2nd day, 2nd week, second month!

You can download resources as a parent from HERE

You can download recources as a teacher from HERE

Advice eSafety Google for Education Online Safety Parents Resources

Google – The Legends Family Adventure…

Parent Zone and Google have joined forces to bring a new short animated series of three cartoons to the Be Internet Legends website to help families think about keeping themselves safe online.

Sit down as a family to watch the Legends family tackle everyday online situations and become stronger as a result. There are family friendly activities to download and print related to each of the three cartoon episodes. Learn about online scams, sharing information, secure passwords and phishing to name just a few things covered in this brief cartoon series.

Take a look now at